For a pleasant change, Korea is only slightly worse than the OECD average for the extra unpaid labor women do compared to men.
Also, for a very interesting new book on the subject that I look forward to buying when it’s available at WhatTheBook? (hint hint), see Shattered: Modern Motherhood and the Illusion of Equality by Rebecca Asher.
Well, the post above is the topic that I chose : International Comparison of Gender and Unpaid Labor. If you read the cartoon, it's about why women get less paid. Then, the left one says that it is because women do houseworks, they have only a few time to work and the women get paid less than those of men who work as full time! Now there's a problem. When the left one says "I'll let someone else raise my kids", but the other suddenly yells. What kind of situatioin is that? Does he mean that women are too busy doing housework for men and kids to work for pay? I don't think that makes any sense, AND that is a stereotype of women.
Everybody has stereotype- even if she/he is a kid. Think about this. There's a girl in a class and she is very quiet. She doesn't hang with her friends, doesn't like to be a naughty girl. She never makes noise during the class. Then, everyone has the IMAGE that she's very quiet, not a problem-causing girl. OK, let's make few changes then. Few days later, the girl becomes talkative, hyper, and finally naughty. What do you think people around her would think? I'm sure her homeroom teacher will try to talk to her and say "I want you to behave as you are." What is AS YOU ARE? Don't you think it's also stereotype? Like this, I think that the gender role is also part of a stereotype. Because most of women are naturally born as a more caring, polite, and delicate than men are, we have this IMAGE that causes stereotype. But, here's a question. SO WHAT? If there are naturally caring,polite, delicate women, there are also powerful, strong, un-delicate women! We all should know the EXCEPTIONs or DIFFERENCEs. I think the way we are reacting to them causes most of the problems. That is causing "International Unpaid Labor upon Gender." There are no such things like 'gender role'. In my opinion, it only matters who's good at it. My dad is really good at cooking so he cooks every morning even though he's a man. My mom is really good at hammering, but cooking so dad calls mom whenever he found the place to be nailed. Do I tease them for these? Do I feel awkward about this situation? Definitely NO! OK I talked too much. So, my point is..... let them just do what they want! Let them get the money as long as they they worked enough! Don't over react even though you are desperate for your different gendered coworker is keeping up. Isn't it a world for the both genders?
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