Well, I tried to watch my words while writing this assignment. However, since this assignment was about a sexual related advertisement, I want you - prof.Ben - to be generous about my words in this assignment. Sorry for that :(.. This is the only way I can get A in your class!! ..haha :)
<- pictures from Prof.Gross' blog. :)
OK, first of all, I don't think there's a gender role in that pictures - well I don't want to THINK that there is. I once heard that all human beings have sexual desire unconciously. I think this unconciousness causes this kind of advertisement. Then what do you think brought us to think like that? What do you think built the unconciousness?
The way she's under his legs, it looks like they are about to have an oral sex!! It kind of feels like we - women- are treated as a "tool" for their sexual satisfaction.When girls first see the AD7 picture, we are supposed to be upset - but most of us are not. This feeling told me that I also already have stereotype of gender role. In this case, I think a porno culture contributed a lot. If you see most of pornos, you can tell that women are treated so... dirty or.. as if they were animals that were made to satisfy men!! Do you think women's role in pornos is THIS? I don't think so. So, I want to say out loud! THERE IS NO GENDER ROLE! WAKE UP GIRLS! BUT, unfortuantely, most of the porno audiences are teenagers and that is the way they learn. That is the way their unconciouss sex desire was built. The wrong knowledge from pornos and the scene made a "gender role" in advertisement. So, the gender role you think is the one in your mind, and the role is wrong! If there's a gender role in that advertisement, the role that woman has is to give her body. Do you think God gave mission to Eve to suck the Adam's THING? But it's true that advertising company abuse our sexual desire which is the weakness. And everytime they win.
This is the picture of a soju glass. And the woman inside the glass is Lee Hyo Ri, the sexiest singer in Korea - people say. Well, you can just say "Wow, this is so cool!." This was my first reaction, too. But, why do you think the company put her picture INSIDE of the glass? The actual meaning of this, was to let the men who drink soju with that glass to unconcioussly think they are EATING her - not literally. Maybe the men don't realize this purpose, but the men's unconciouss desire of sex make them drink more. That's how the company is selling soju - using our unconcious sexual desire.
So, my point is ....there's no actual gender role - neither in pornos nor in this adavertisement.. We can't put our fingers on it. However, a gender role does exist deep down inside of our mind, and the role of a female is to be a PREY of a male. Isn't it sad? We need to wake up! We need to fix that! These are the ROLEs that we need to play!
Okay, now I can see why you have asked me several times if I have marked your mid-term. Wow, this was really brave of you to speak so honestly about this issue. Well done! I appreciate that this subject is tricky, and that many people are uncomfortable talking about sexuality. Women everywhere have been treated as sex objects and this isn't right. Your assignment is some very good and ambitious writing. You answered most parts of the question (you didn't talk about the second ad with the snake) and put a lot of honest thought into it. Excellent job!